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About Tom Fergus

2024 marks Tom's 34th year as an independent adjuster/appraiser working claims on heavy equipment including all types of farm equipment, forestry, earthmoving, quarry, biomass, crane & lift, construction & contractors' equipment, fire & rescue, boom & bucket trucks, buses & trolleys, industrial machinery and even a few boats.

Tom is an expert on the mechanical functions of most types of diesel-powered equipment. He has repair shop experience in gasoline and diesel engine mechanics, body damage repair, frame and alignment, and refinishing. Educated, intelligent, and of high moral character, Tom represents his clients as their in-the-field customer service representative with impartiality and integrity.

Negotiating is one of Tom's talents. On average, where claim payment savings is measurable, customers save 29% on the submitted claim amount, without sacrificing quality of repair or safety, while providing cost-efficient service.

Tom achieves his clients' confidence through knowledgeable, professional service and comprehensive, expedient claims handling.

Tom covers New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Upstate New York, and Long Island New York; that is a large area. Tom uses his motorhome as a mobile office and travels with his wife as driver so that he is able to do paperwork literally while on the road. 

Watch a video of the mobile office in many locations from Northern Maine to Upstate New York.

Tom Fergus Independent Insurance Adjuster Trucks & Heavy Equipment
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